Tag: Kolkata

  • Day 2: Retracing the Kolkata trail of yesteryear

    Day 2: Retracing the Kolkata trail of yesteryear

    “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” –  Miriam Beard I woke up as the train approached Balasore, a city known to me for being a missile test range and to Ravi, it was something related to shares and […]

  • Day 4: In the grand old city of Kolkata

    Day 4: In the grand old city of Kolkata

    Very early in the morning, I was woken up by the coach attendant’s call that the train had reached Howrah. As I got down, I could see patches of water on the ground. Should be from the cyclone Aila that had lashed out in Bengal 48hrs back, I thought. And now that the cyclone had […]